Pheasants Forever Nebraska

Upland Tallgrass Prairie Seed Mix

$260.00 per acre

The tallgrass prairie evokes imagery of wildflowers blooming in summer and birds flushing from a bunch of bluestem. This diverse mix of native grasses and 42 wildflower species is sure to please prairie enthusiasts, pollinators, and pointing dogs alike. Best suited for mesic soils.

Did you know that the eastern tallgrass prairie is one of the most diverse grassland communities of the Great Plains? Studies of remnant prairies in Nebraska have reported around 300 native species of plants.

*Please note that the species composition and price are subject to change depending on availability. Species substitutions may be needed at time of order. Seed mix updated 04/23/2024.

SKU: CSM-Eastern-Upland-Tallgrass-Prairie Categories: ,


GRASSES 40.77% (10.799 PLS/ft2)
Big Bluestem, Pawnee Rough or Tall Dropseed
Indiangrass, Cheyenne Sideoats Grama, Butte
Little Bluestem, Aldous Slender Wheatgrass
Prairie Dropseed
WILDFLOWERS 59.23% (15.686 PLS/ft2)
Baldwin’s Ironweed Ohio Spiderwort
Black-eyed Susan Pale Purple Coneflower
Blanketflower (Indian Blanket) Partridgepea
Butterfly Milkweed Pitcher Sage
Canada Milkvetch Plains Coreopsis
Canada Tick-trefoil Purple Coneflower
Common Milkweed Purple Prairie Clover
Compass Plant Rattlesnake Master
Cudweed Sagewort Rough Gayfeather
Entire-leaved Rosinweed Roundhead Lespedeza
False Boneset Smooth Blue Aster
False Sunflower Stiff Goldenrod
Foxglove Beardstongue Sweet Joe Pye Weed
Golden Alexander Thickspike Gayfeather
Grayhead Coneflower Upright Coneflower
Heath Aster Virginia Mountain Mint
Hoary Vervain Western Yarrow
Illinois Bundleflower White Prairie Clover
Lanceleaf Coreopsis White Wild Indigo
Leadplant Wild Bergamot
New England Aster Wild Quinine
TOTAL: 26.485 PLS/ft2

High Quality Habitat

Pheasants Forever has high standards for wildlife habitat. After all, we are the habitat organization. Whether you’re interested in wildlife or wildflowers, we encourage the use of seed mixtures that follow our High Quality Habitat Standard:
  • A minimum of 50% of the seed mixture will be comprised of wildflowers and forbs.
  • Each seeding mixture will contain 40 or more species to provide high diversity and broad benefits.
  • Each seeding mixture will contain at least one appropriate milkweed species to benefit monarch butterflies.
  • An appropriate number of flowering plants will be provided throughout the entire growing season.
  • Seeding mixtures are designed using the appropriate seeds per square foot for each species.

A note about wildflower and pollinator seed mixes

The establishment of a wildflower, prairie, or pollinator seed mix depends on two critical elements: time and management. Many of the wildflower species listed in these mixtures will take several years to show up…be patient. In addition, the natural process of plant succession means that you’ll need to manage the stand to keep it looking diverse and colorful in the future. Otherwise, grasses tend to dominate the community. Every two years, plan to manage your habitat by applying some form of management like prescribed burning, herbicide application, light disking, managed grazing or haying.

The Habitat Organization

Pheasants Forever’s mission is to conserve pheasants, quail, and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public access, education, and conservation advocacy.

Additional information

Seeding Rate

26.485 PLS/sq. ft.

Soil Moisture



Full sun

Nebraska Wildflowers is a valuable field guide for anyone interested in prairies, plants, or pollinators! 

Nebraska Wildflowers makes field identification both accessible and enjoyable, featuring 240 wildflowers and vibrant photo galleries.

Plus, you’ll find educational briefs on topics including pollinator conservation; habitat establishment and management; and quick references to help identify common bees, butterflies, and grassland birds you might encounter alongside Nebraska’s wildflowers.

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Pheasants Forever is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your tax-deductible gift will benefit current and future generations.

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